Too little sleep affects our work, our activities.
It's Sleep Week!
Don't build up a sleep debt. Ongoing sleep deprivation can impair you as much as a six-pack of beer.
Power Your Day
Take a nap. A 40-minute snooze in the middle of a work day can pump up your energy.
Pregnant Pause
Sleep safe during pregnancy. Lying on your left side gives you and your baby the best blood flow.
The Better Sleep Diet
Don't gorge before bed. Good shut-eye foods: milk, tuna,avocado , eggs, and peaches.
Sleep Rituals
Cue your body that it's time for sleep with a relaxing ritual. Try a hot bath, aromatherapy, or meditation.
Room for Sleep
Make your bedroom a sleep haven. Keep temperatures moderate, use blinds or shades for blocking light, and remove the laptop or TV.
Smoke Out
Restrict smoking before bedtime. Cigarettes wake you up just like caffeine. Its better to quit.
Heartburn Help
Keep your head elevated and get relieved from nighttime heartburn.
Take a Bed Break
Get out of bed if you can't sleep -don't stare at the clock. Read or watch TV until you feel tired.
Nightcap No-No
A bottle of wine may conk you out, but your sleep won't be restful. Finish imbibing three hours before bed for a satisfying snooze.
Guard Your Heart
Get a full 8 hours of sleep. Catching only 6 hours of sleep ups your risk of high blood pressure by 70%.
Plan Early
And sleep better at night. Make your next day's to-do list in the afternoon so worries don't creep into bed.
Talk Yourself to Sleep
Try talk therapy to fight insomnia. It gets better results than sleeping pills.
Dream Diet
Sleep controls appetite hormones. Get to bed and start your diet.
Bedtime Medicine
Getting a good night's rest may reduce your long-term risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Give Teens Some Zzz s
The sun's up but your teens aren't? Teens need nearly 10 hours of sleep every day.Lack of sleep affects growth.
Avoid Late Naps
No matter how tired, don't nap after 3 p.m. Late naps make it harder to fall asleep at night.
Avocados & Sleep
Can't sleep? Reach for an avocado (butter fruit). They contain tryptophan, a sleep-promoting substance.
Jump on It
Exercise early in the day, and you'll sleep better. Avoid workouts too close to bedtime.
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