Feb 13, 2011


Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids. One orange (130 grams) supplies nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin C. This fruit contain many nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin E, folic acid, dietary fiber (pectin), carbohydrates, protein, natural sugar, amino acids, organic acids, citric acids, malic acids, beta carotene, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorous, sodium, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, chlorine, iron, copper and selenium. Oranges also contain flavonoid antioxidants such as alpha and beta carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, zea-xanthin and lutein.

An orange packs over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong anti-oxidant effects.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: Regularly consuming oranges retards the development of hardening of the arteries due to the presence of vitamin C.

PREVENTING CANCER: Orange is rich in a compound called liminoid, which combats cancers of the colon, stomach, breast, lung, skin, and mouth. The high vitamin C content also acts as a good anti-oxidant that protects cells from damages by free radicals.

COLON HEALTH: Orange is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber, pectin, which is very effective in persons with excess body weight. Pectin, by its action as bulk laxative, helps to protect the mucous membrane of the colon by decreasing its exposure time to toxic substances as well as by binding to cancer causing chemicals in the colon. Pectin has also been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels by decreasing its re-absorption in the colon by binding to bile acids in the colon.

PREVENTS CHOLESTEROL: Orange peels have alkaloid synephrine, which can cut down the production of cholesterol in the liver. It increase HDL levels and improve the LDL-HDL ratio of a person. The antioxidant elements in oranges combat oxidative stress that oxidizes the LDL in the blood.

REPAIRS DAMAGED SPERMS: Regular consumption of orange is supposed to keep a man’s sperms healthy and can prevent genetic damage in sperms, which cause birth defects.

GOOD CARDIAC HEALTH: The vitamins and flavonoids in oranges reduce the risk of cardiac problems. Orange’s folate - lowers levels of the cardiovascular risk factor, homocysteine; and the vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids found in orange, all of which have been identified as having protective cardiovascular effects.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Potassium found in oranges helps in lowering blood pressure and protecting against stroke and cardiac arrhythmias. The hesperidin flavonoid in orange can bring down high blood pressure.

GOOD FOR CONSTIPATION: Even though the orange "tastes acidic", it actually has an alkaline effect in the digestive system and helps stimulate the digestive juices, relieving constipation.

STRENGTHENS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: The immune system of the human body helps to protect it against various different illnesses and diseases that attack the body from time to time. Vitamin C stimulates the white cells in the blood that are responsible for fighting infections, naturally helps the body to build up a strong immune system.

FLAVONOIDS: Hesperidin and Naringenin are flavonoids are found in orange. Orange peel contains hesperidin. Hesperidin helps to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff), lower triglycerides (fats found in the blood) and reduces the risk of heart disease. An added benefit is in normalizing blood pressure. Hesperidin is also helpful in reducing bone loss, acts as an anti-inflammatory and is good for fighting some types of cancer, especially breast cancer. Naringenin is found to have a bio-active effect on human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator. This substance has also been shown to reduce oxidant injury to DNA invitro studies.

SUPPORT PRODUCTION OF HEMOGLOBIN: Vitamin B6 in orange helps support the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

PROTECT AGAINST OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY: Orange calories are low, it is a low fat nutrient-rich food with a low glycemic index, it protects against weight gain and obesity.

REDUCE AND PREVENT INFLAMMATION: Free radical damage can result in painful inflammation; vitamin C prevents free radical damage that triggers inflammation. Regular consumption of orange juice is associated with reduced severity of inflammatory conditions, such as asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

PREVENTS KIDNEY STONES: Drinking orange juice regularly can reduce the chances of forming calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys.

PREVENTS STOMACH ULCERS: The vitamin C in oranges can prevent peptic ulcers and can also cut down the chances of stomach cancer.

PREVENTS VIRAL INFECTIONS: Polyphenols in oranges protect from viral infections.

GLOWING SKIN: The anti-oxidant in orange help protect the skin from free radical damage known to cause signs of aging.

Orange juice contains Folate, which plays a major role in the reproduction of new cells and can help with the healing process. Proper brain development is ensured by the folic acid in oranges.

Help to maintain electrolyte balance in the cells as being high in potassium.

Consumption of oranges can help an individual in dealing with the following ailments:
  • Alcohol Addiction
  • Bronchitis
  • Bowel Disorders
  • Cough and Cold
  • Dyspepsia
  • Fever
  • Indigestion
  • Influenza
  • Measles
  • Pimples and Acne
  • Pneumonia
  • Pyorrhea
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Tuberculosis
  • Typhoid
CAUTION: No doubt oranges have many health benefits, but always remember to eat in moderation. Excessive consumption of any citrus juices can leach calcium from the body system, causing decay of the bones and teeth.

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